The traditional pastry section brings together all the leading names in ingredients, technologies, furnishings, packaging and services. Here you will find the highest concentration of industry players in the world.
It is a unique experience where operators can really experiment and understand the artisan confectionery market.
The section dedicated to chocolate brings together the best Italian and foreign manufacturers of chocolate and chocolate production machinery, equipment and accessories, together with events, competitions and demos dedicated to the precious “food of the gods”.
The entire Artisan Bakery supply chain is waiting for you at SIGEP!
SIGEP brings together world-class ingredients and semi-finished products and presents the latest, most innovative technologies and trends in Italian-style retail formats.
The increasingly opulent and comprehensive event hosts prestigious Italian and international brands and presents a uniquely global and varied range of artisan and industrial technology.
SIGEP includes a multi-faceted exposition covering the entire coffee supply chain, from plantations around the world to a wide range of processing techniques and on to tasting. All the products and technologies revolving around the world of Espresso.
SIGEP is also the perfect setting for the finals of the various WCE (World Coffee Events) competitions promoted by the International Specialty Coffee Association.
SIGEP Community
Market Development Director CARPIGIANI
Achille Sassoli De Bianchi
Jochen Pinsker
Senior Vice President Foodservice Europe
SIGEP is the global business platform where professionals and operators come together to enjoy a unique and inspiring sensory experience featuring the leading international brands in the sweet food business.
SIGEP is the undisputed leader in launching new trends, shop formats, events and competitions underscored by global excellence.
Información útil
It is an extraordinary occasion where new business models of the global sweet foodservice are redesigned, grounded in the values of sustainability, sharing and interconnection between out of home communities.
It is the unmissable event for the artisan confectionery industry, a showcase preview of trends, premise formats, the latest product developments, technological innovations, events and competitions, inspired both by Made in Italy and global excellence.
IIt is a one-of-a-kind exhibition event where you can meet representatives of world leading gelato and artisan confectionery companies.
5 interconnected business communities
3 good reasons for visiting
"SIGEP is the melting-pot of the gelato sector. It is the future of what will happen soon."
"SIGEP is the place to be because there is a lot of knowledge, a lot of products, and if you are a restaurant operator and if you are interested in this industry there is only one place where you can really go to get all that information."
"Sigep is a guarantee of visibility and an interested clientele, so it’s undoubtedly an exhibition of huge importance for companies."
Giovanni Gaibazzi
Sales Director
Sigep Exp is a revamped opportunity to meet and do business that overcomes the issues of the current situation, and creates and fuels a thriving network.
Thanks to the possibility of attending digitally, Sigep Exp is now a strategically important and fundamental event for those aspiring to a sustainable and successful future for their business.
Sigep Exp is a strategic union of square metres and bytes: two essential tools to make it easier for our exhibitors to create and maintain all those necessary connections to grow their business.
“For us it is primordial to meet new ideas and new experiences face-to-face in a trade fair like Sigep.”
Benjamin Gomes - IceCoBar
“There is no better way to talk about new trends in business and exchange ideas with professionals than live meetings.”
Justyna Wiernicka - Multi Gastro
“Its 100% important to come back to do business in presence, it's always better to be on sight and look the people in the eyes when we close a deal".
Torben Jensen - KonditorBager A/S
AB Tech Community
18-22 ENERO DE 2025
Bienvenido a Sigep 2025
donde la innovación se encuentra con el sabor
tu red
1,300 expositores
de todo el mundo
Participa en
1.160 eventos
demostraciones, talleres y charlas
18 competiciones
concursos nacionales e internacionales
478 buyers de 83 países
Únase a la comunidad
Concursos internacionales, masterclass,
charlas, showcooking y mucho más.
Más de 1000 eventos organizados por los expositores. Todos los grandes Maestros del Made in Italy participaron en la muestra.
los 138,000 m²
de superficie de exposición
5 sectores
llenos de novedades
màs de 180,000 visitantes
de todo el mundo
Materias primas e ingredientes, maquinaria y equipo, mobiliario, envases y servicios.
SIGEP es líder indiscutible en el lanzamiento de nuevas tendencias y se erige como el lugar de encuentro preferido de todos los actores de la cadena de suministro: comerciantes, distribuidores, fabricantes, asociaciones y medios de comunicación.
5 días de negocios y networking
“Italia siempre abre camino. Se trata básicamente de intuir cómo será el futuro y qué puntos fuertes de nuestros productos o innovación beben del pasado”
Santiago Peralta
" Quedé abrumado por la variedad de productos y la gran cantidad de expositores. SIGEP será siempre una cita fija en mi agenda anual"
Gerhard Schenk
"Es un honor estar aquí. Es la red perfecta: hay muchas oportunidades para organizar reuniones, proyectos, programas que ya venimos desarrollando"
Marcos Antonio Matos
Presidente de la Asociación Alemana de Pastelería
Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil
" Quedé abrumado por la variedad de productos y la gran cantidad de expositores. SIGEP será siempre una cita fija en mi agenda anual"
Gerhard Schenk
President of the German Pastry Association
"Es un honor estar aquí. Es la red perfecta: hay muchas oportunidades para organizar reuniones, proyectos, programas que ya venimos desarrollando"
Marcos Antonio Matos
Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil
“Italia siempre abre camino. Se trata básicamente de intuir cómo será el futuro y qué puntos fuertes de nuestros productos o innovación beben del pasado”
Santiago Peralta
Un solo evento para llegar a toda la cadena de suministro de pastelería, gelato, panificación, café y chocolate.
Amplía tus horizontes culinarios, inspírate y disfruta de los mejores sabores.
su próxima obra maestra con ingredientes de primera calidad y tecnologías de vanguardia
Dé rienda suelta a su creatividad: Sigep 2025 le conectará con proveedores que ofrecen los mejores ingredientes de todo el mundo, desde sabores exóticos hasta productos locales.
Adelántese a la competencia gracias a nuestra sección dedicada a las innovaciones tecnológicas. Descubra cómo la automatización, la inteligencia artificial y el internet de las cosas están transformando la manera en que cocinamos, servimos y disfrutamos los alimentos.
Déjese inspirar por la excelencia
Conozca a los expositores y productos de Sigep 2025
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